
Showing posts from December, 2008


I don't seem to be able to settle down to a particular style. Since starting in watercolours a few years ago, I have lately been experimenting with different mediums and supports, and haven't landed on a style which would identify me as a painter. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad, but I'm having a blast trying everything out! It must be the science loving side of me, that likes experimentation. I did this little doodle from life this morning using Golden Fluid acrylics on cheap canvas board I got at Walmart. Ya gotta love Walmart! LOL

A Horse for Christmas

This is a little commission I did for a good friend to give to her daughter for Christmas. It went through various versions before I was satisfied. Even though I've done many other animals, including Zebras, for some reason the horse gave me fits! Thanks to some help from my Wetcanvas! friends, since this picture was taken, I've added a hint of hoof to the far legs.

My first blog post!

Well, here it is! My first post to my blog! I'll try to keep you updated on my new artwork and anything else that's going on. Here's my latest painting entitled "Polar Storm". This was completed using traditional watercolour paint over textured gesso. Kind of gives you a chill, doesn't it?