I've decided to start a garden journal, and hopefully sketch all of the flowers and veggies that grow this year! Here is my first entry, some brave little snowdrops.
I'm trying to do at least one painting a week, or at least use some kind of art material even if I don't complete anything. I just feel out of touch if I don't paint something! Today I finished this little acrylic still life. I'm still learning the ins and outs of acrylic painting, and since I started out with watercolours, I'm having a hard time not using them the same way! I have to keep reminding myself that I can paint light over dark! I'm sure I'll catch on eventually.
Here's something that I did recently while playing at Sarnia Sue's and after watching a video of Pat Dew's. Hey that rhymes! Anyway, it was all about texture and composition. We went to the dollar store to buy things that would create texture. Not too sure if I succeeded with the composition! Anyway, I've decided to name this "Ariel".