
Showing posts from November, 2009

Blowin' in the Wind -Third attempt

Here's the third attempt at this subject, and I have to say that I'm actually kind of pleased with this one! The colour didn't come out on the computer as rich and gold as it is in real life, but you can get an idea anyway. I'm currently in love with using black paint and I used a lot of it in this painting. I believe it has its uses, especially in something that isn't super realistic. You often hear in watercolour or other artist circles to "never use black". Well, I guess I'm the sort of person, who when she hears something like that just has to try it! I used Epsom salts for the fluffy seeds this time, and really liked the effect. I read the outside of the box, and these salts have so many uses! Not only are they good for creating neat effects with watercolour, you can soak in them, feed your lawn and garden, and give your house plants a boost! I don't feel so bad now for buying such a big container of them. After I finished this painting, I set...

Milkweed: Trial and Error

I've had in my mind that I want to paint some milkweed pods with the seeds blowing in the wind. I'm having trouble, however, getting the picture that is in my mind onto paper...(isn't that always the way?) Last weekend's experiment went well until it came to the silky seeds. I had used masking fluid, and the filaments came out too thick. I tried to fix it with some white paint. I like the background, but other than that I don't really like it that much. This morning, I thought I'd play around on the back of a failed painting, and ended up with this: It's a bit more like what I had in my mind, but not entirely. I didn't use any masking fluid, but did resort to a tad of white acrylic for the fluffy seeds. I also used some epsom salt which gave some cool effects. I also had fun playing around with some unusual colours. I used lamp black, and Quinacridone gold, with a bit of Gamboge. Back to the drawing board tomorrow!