
Showing posts from July, 2011

...and they're Sold!

The two paintings in my last post have been sold!  I guess they were pretty popular, quite a few people showed a lot of interest in them. Not so interesting to the judges I guess, since they didn't win any prizes, but who cares!


Two of my collage pieces have been accepted into the  Desmond Juried Art Exhibition and Sale July 17-July 28th at the Ridgetown Campus, University of Guelph, 120 Main St. E Ridgetown, Ontario. I'm pretty excited since these are the first collage paintings that I have entered into a show! The two accepted are: Bright and Early   and Spring Chicken   I hope you can stop by and take a look if you are in the area.

Sketching in my Garden

Yesterday morning, before it got too hot and muggy, I took my watercolours out to the garden and sketched a few tiny paintings. An hour or so and a few mosquito bites later, here's what I came up with: These little paintings are in ACEO format, which means they are the size of a trading card. (3.5" X 2.5") They are available in my ETSY store right now! Click Here to view store.