
Showing posts from February, 2012

Hill House - A commission

Finished this on the weekend. It was my first architectural collage piece. Challenging, but worth it! Thanks Jennifer for asking me to do this for you! Hill House  Hand Painted and found papers on canvas


Wow! I just noticed that I have 100 followers on my blog! Thank you all for taking the time to follow along, and I promise that I will try to post more often. It's been a busy New Year so far, but not artwise.  I've been busy with my hubby who had to get a knee replaced. Now that he is on the mend I'm finishing up a collage house portrait commission and I have an idea for a bunch of tiny watercolours. Thanks again everyone! Patty P.S. The painting is a little doodle I did at my friend Lauren's house a couple of years ago, and I just found it in my files a little while ago. I decided I like it!