
Showing posts from January, 2015

Two Little Ladies for your Wednesday

Last week I was challenged to post three paintings a day for five days on Facebook, and nominate someone else each day to do the same. What a fun and interesting experience that was! Not only have there been tons of great artwork posted everyday, it also got me searching my archives for paintings that hadn't been viewed for a while. One of them was a tiny ladybug, one of the first paintings I sold. I remembered how much fun she was to paint, so I thought that I'd do another for Watercolour Wednesday. Well, I enjoyed the first one so much, I did another one! They are both in ACEO format (2.5" X 3.5"). VERY affordable and collectable art. Ladybugs 2.5" X 3.5"  $8.75 each plus S&H

Pear Shaped

She's a little bottom heavy, but it only adds to her charm! This fun little collage is another in my Fruit Salad series, and as always is available in my Etsy shop , along with a growing number of other paintings. Check it out! Pear Shaped 6" X 6" $45

How Now? Watercolour Wednesday

I've been thinking of ideas for collages, in particular ones to enter into the Desmond Juried Art Show this summer. It always has a farm/small town theme. I was looking at some cow reference photos and trying to pick out a good one. This girl had a nice face so I thought I'd do a quick watercolour study. I think I would change a few things for the collage, or even do a different cow, but this was good practice! How Now, Brown Cow? 5" X 7"

Duck, Duck, Goose!

Phew! I've been working on this one for over a week. It's been a while since I've done a larger full collage, and I forgot how much work goes into it. But I enjoyed every minute. It's quite meditative. Since I don't have ducks and geese walking around my back yard, I've based this on a couple of fun reference photos, from Paint My Photo and Wetcanvas. This is:                                               Duck, Duck, Goose!                                                                    12" X 24"                                                           ...

Wednesday is BAAAck.

This is supposed to be a lamb. The more I look at it, the less lamby it seems. So I'm going to stop looking at it now. Another quick Wednesday sketch. Ink, watersoluble pencil, watercolour pencils and regular old watercolours. Based on a photo from a great Facebook page, Artist Reference Photos. Baa 3" X 5"

"Mixed Media" for Watercolour Wednesday!

I just realized it's Wednesday and I have to do a watercolour! I had no ideas in mind so I sketched the first thing my eyes landed on. So here are some acrylics done in watercolour, hence the title. Mixed Media 3" X 5"

This Banana has Appeal!

This banana has appeal! Get it? A peel! Anyway..... My newest little addition to the Fuit Salad series. And as always, it's available in my Etsy store. Just click HERE to shop!