
Showing posts from February, 2015

Dragonfly Daydream ~ WaterMEDIA Wednesday!

It's the dead of winter and I'm daydreaming about summer days and dragonflies. I know that it is Watercolour Wednesday, but today I've painted in a mix of Water media.  What is watermedia you ask? Well in art circles it is basically any media that is soluble in water. So it includes watercolour paint, acrylic paint, inks, dyes, etc. This tiny painting was  started with watercolours and ink and finished with a washy mix of acrylic paint. You can't see it here, but the wings were covered in a pearly iridescent paint. Dragonfly Daydream 2.5 X 3.5"

Grey Goose ~ Watercolour Wednesday

No, it's not a painting of a bottle of vodka ! This is an actual goose. And he's grey! (Or gray for my American friends).  Done on a scrap piece of Arches watercolour paper, and embellished with a touch of ink. Honk! Grey Goose 7.5" X 11"

Cow Collage Complete!

I have been showing my Work in Progress on this little lady on my Facebook page for the last couple of weeks. I gave myself quite a challenge, since this is the largest collage I have done so far, and the first animal that is not a bird! I think she is complete now, but I'll give it a rest for a couple of days, then take another look to make sure I don't need to make any changes. Check out the WIP on my Facebook page HERE . I used a lot of paper in the background that I printed with my Gelli Arts Gel Printing Plate , that I just love! Lots of papers from old, beat up cookbooks and storybooks were used on the cow. Sometimes, I use photocopies of the pages that I like and then paint over them, so I can use the words more than once. Cow Collage (Untitled - for now!) 18" x 24" $560 (click to enlarge) Here are a few closeups:

Valentine Watercolour Wednesday

Okay, it's not Valentine's day yet, but here is a little Valentine doodle I did today.   It's watercolour pencil, regular watercolor and ink. Teeny tiny 2.5 X 3.5" art card. Heart Doodle

Good Grief! It's Wednesday! Tree Frog ACEO

I was lazily "collaging" away this morning, when all of a sudden I realized it was Wednesday! "OMG! I'd better get watercolouring!", I said to myself. Last week, I got a lot of comments on the little tree frog ACEO I did a while back. They are funny little critters, and always look a little suprised, just like me this morning when I realized what day it was. Here is another one that I did real quick. "Party Animal" (or "Do My Eyes Look Red to You?") 2.5" X 3.5"