
Showing posts from March, 2015

Stawberry Study ~ Watercolour Wednesday

I finally got my shipment of 6 X 6" canvasses, so I'll be doing some more of my fruit collages. I had some strawberries in the fridge, so I got out three nice ones and decided to warm up by doing a small watercolour study in my sketchbook. Stay tuned for the collage next! Strawberry Study 3.5" X 5" Moleskin Sketchbook Holbein Waterbrush, Pigma Micron 005 pen

Remedy ~ Watercolour Wednesday

I've been fighting a doozy of a cold this week! Yes, you heard me, I used the D word! It has really kicked my butt, but today I'm feeling quite a bit better. Good enough anyway to get out my sketchbook and doodle a little still life of my favourite remedy, tea with honey and lemon. Remedy 5" X 3.5" In Moleskin sketchbook Holbein Waterbrush and Pigma Micron 005 pen

Swan Sketch ~ Watercolour Wednesday

Here is a very small quick sketch I did today of the swan that decided to take a brief rest in the field behind our house! He was kind enough to pause long enough for me to take a few photos. Swan Sketch 5 X 7" Watercolour on Arches 140 HP paper

Which Came First?? Paper Collage Finished!

I had originally decided to call this "Which Came First?", but from the look on this girl's face, I'm thinking I should call it "Where Did THAT Come From?!" or "Did I Do That??" This turned out very bright and busy, but I like it. It's a fun one for sure! Which Came First? 14 X 11 X 1.5" $250

Rosebud ~ Watermedia Wednesday

A real quickie this morning, as I had to go to the dentist! I've done a few of these rosebuds in ACEO format, but this one is bigger. It's a real girlie-girl painting. Would have been perfect for Valentine's day! Pink Rosebud 11 X 7" Watercolour and Acrylic on Matt Board