
Showing posts from June, 2015

Wetcanvas Watercolour Ontario Meet ~ Watercolour Wednesday

This past weekend I attended the Ninth Annual Wetcanvas Watercolour Ontario Meet, which was held in Dundas Ontario. This is a bunch of artists who met on the Wetcanvas website over the years and have become good friends. The weekend usually consists of a watercolour workshop and various other demonstrations, lots of good food and conversation, and tons of fun! This year, my friend Charlene McGill demonstrated how she paints glass jars in watercolour. She is an excellent teacher, very patient with all of us! All of the paintings turned out great. Mine isn't quite finished yet, but I did get over my fear of painting glass! While Char was teaching, and when people had a free moment, I demonstrated some Gelli® printing, which we also played with the next day to make covers for some fun books Char taught us to make. More on that later! Here is my mostly finished painting: Char's Jars Char demonstrating her techniques: And the "Wall of Fame", al...

Garden Sketch for Watercolour Wednesday

In between puttering around the pool and garden this morning, I did a quick little sketch of a flowering shrub. I believe it's a type of Spirea, and has lots of little tiny pinkish purple flowers. I had to transplant it last year and I wasn't sure if it would survive the winter, but it seems to have recovered very well! Spirea (in my small garden journal)

Pink Sunshine

I have finished my latest little fruit collage, and I'm particularly pleased with this one! It has my favourite turquoise background (although as usual, my camera won't pick up the exact colour), and I just love the orangey-pinky colours of the grapfruit sections. Available in my Etsy Shop , or by contactim me directly. Pink Sunshine 6 x 6 x 1.5" $45

Watercolour Wednesday in the Garden!

Last week I missed Watercolour Wednesday! Eeeek! I haven't done that since I retired. We have had someone in to do some painting (walls) and a lot of "stuff" was "stuffed" into my studio. Today, it was so lovely outside that I decided to bring my watercolours into the garden. Not too many perennials flowering yet, but I managed two ACEO's and a sketch in my garden journal. When I got my garden journal out, I realized it had been FOUR years since I had last made an entry! I couldn't believe it had been that long. I've promised myself to keep up it updated better. Weigela 2.5 X 3.5" Orange Sneezeweed 2.5 X 3.5"