
Showing posts from October, 2015

"Crabby" ~ Watercolour Wednesday

I've decided to join the Grumbacher Art Swap, (See info HERE ) where artists trade art cards. This time the theme is Signs of the Zodiac. While my sign is Capricorn (goat), the first image that popped into my mind was of a little blue crab, for Cancer. We saw many of these tiny creatures on the beaches when we were in Nova Scotia. This fellow was very interesting to paint, as he was so different from what I've ever done. It was like painting an alien! Crabby 2.5 X 3.5 Not for sale

Black-eyed Susan ~ Watercolour Wednesday!

There are still a few hardy Black-Eyed Susans in my garden. It's lovely to see a few pops of yellow in among the fading greens and browns. The language of flowers was used in Victorian times as a means of communication in which flowers were used to send coded messages. Each flower had a special meaning. The Black-eyed Susan meant "Justice." This ACEO is part of my Language of Flowers series. ACEOs are tiny 2.5 X 3.5 inch works of art to collect or trade. They look great in a frame, or put them together to make a great coffee table book! Perfect little gifts for the art lover. Each of my ACEOs are signed or initialled on the front and signed and dated on the reverse. They are shipped in a protective plastic sleeve. Check out what I have available in my Etsy shop HERE . Black-Eyed Susan "Justice" 2.5" X 3.5"

Scaredy Cat ~ Watercolour Thursday!!

Okay, I've been slack with Watercolour Wednesdays, so slack that it's Thursday and I'm posting one. Hallowe'en is coming soon, so here is a little Scaredy Cat. Really little, it's only 2.5 X 3.5 inches! Not my very best work, but those eyes are less than 2 mm wide! Photo reference courtesy PaintMyPhoto