
Showing posts from November, 2015

"My Darling Clementines" ~ Paper Collage

The whole time I was creating this collage, I couldn't get the song "My Darling Clementine" out of my head! Now I've probably put it in yours....sorry 'bout that! This collage started out with a much different composition and I wasn't happy with it. The nice thing about collage is that you just have to "collage" over the parts you don't like! You'd never know there had been a third ugly clementine, and a much higher "horizon". I think I'm finished now, if only to get the song to stop! My Darling Clementines 6" X 6" X 1.5" Paper Collage on Canvas $45 Check this out in my Etsy Shop!

Dandelion ~ Watercolour Wednesday

I was having a hard time thinking of what to paint today. Then I remembered that I hadn't done one of these little dandelions in a while. So here you go! Dandelion 2.5 X 3.5"

A Flash of Blue ~ Collage

We've had more Blue Jays around our feeder than we ever have, and even though they can be a bit loud mouthed and bossy, I just love seeing that flash of blue! And I swear they can see me putting out peanuts from miles away! This collage is a bit different from most of the others I've done.  I created monoprints of backyard leaves by using my Gelli® Printing plate and embellished them at the end with some watercolours. The bird was done with my regular method of applying all sorts of coloured bits of paper. I'm still not sure I like it, but it is growing on me! A Flash of Blue 12" X 12"

Watercolour Wednesday ~ Remembrance Day

Lest We Forget

Watercolour Wednesday ~ A Little Late!

Around here, summer has returned and is staying a little late. We're not complaining! Yesterday was so nice, I got distracted and sat outside reading instead of painting my Wednesday watercolour. Here are a few little watercolours that have been hanging around from the summertime that never got posted. Next week I promise to be on time! (Maybe...) Daisy # 4 2.5" X 3.5" Pink Rosebud #2 2.5" X 3.5" Yellow Rosebud #2 2.5" X 3.5"