
Showing posts from January, 2025

Green Grapes WIP #2

  Working hard on these grapes this morning! (Translation: Do a few grapes, stare at it for a few minutes, stare out the window, listen to music, warm up my tea, do a few more grapes. Repeat.) I think I might get this done in the next day or so... I find green a tricky colour to work with. As Kermit said, "It's not easy being green."

Green Grapes WIP

  After the holidays and much procrastination, I'm trying to get back on track. Pulled out my grape collage that I had finished the background on and worked on the dish this morning. Now to the grapes and I have to ask myself, "WHY?? Why do I give myself such small things to collage? And so many! So many grapes!"