Back to a more familiar medium. I liked the bittersweet berries so much, I've decided to paint them in watercolour this time. Since I'm so slow, I'm going to show my progress pictures, so at least I'll have some blog posts to show you! The first picture shows my reference photo taken last fall. The drawing was done freehand and I used small touches of masking fluid for the highlights. I'm not usually keen on the stuff, but I thought it would be okay for the minute dots on the berries. As you can see, I don't have a fancy setup, just a large piece of plywood on top of part of an old computer desk. Here is a bit of a closer look at the drawing and my first start on the berries. And here's where I am right now: My only dilema for this painting is background or no background? I'm leaning towards a sky blue background at the moment....but will decide later.